In this edition (Volume 14, Issue 1, June 2024), EXPERT presents 10 manuscripts in the field of information technology, particularly in application development, machine learning development, and other areas of software engineering. These articles are the work of 28 authors from 10 institutions:
- Institut Teknologi dan Bisnis Bina Sarana Global, Tangerang, (Banten, Indonesia 🇮🇩)
- Politeknik Negeri Lampung, Bandar Lampung (Lampung, Indonesia 🇮🇩)
- Universitas Bandar Lampung, Bandar Lampung (Lampung, Indonesia 🇮🇩)
- Universitas Gunadarma, Depok (Jawa Barat, Indonesia 🇮🇩)
- Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, Tangerang Selatan (Banten, Indonesia 🇮🇩)
- Universitas Jenderal Achmad Yani, Cimahi (Jawa Barat, Indonesia 🇮🇩)
- Universitas Lampung, Bandar Lampung (Lampung, Indonesia 🇮🇩)
- Universitas Mitra Indonesia, Bandar Lampung (Lampung, Indonesia 🇮🇩)
- Universitas Satu Nusa Lampung, Bandar Lampung (Lampung, Indonesia 🇮🇩)
- Universitas Widya Dharma Pontianak, Pontianak (Kalimantan Barat, Indonesia 🇮🇩)
On this occasion, we would like to extend an invitation and opportunity for researchers in the field of software development to publish their research findings in this journal in Volume 14, Issue 2, December 2024. We hope that the papers in this journal will be beneficial to our readers, especially for the advancement of science and technology in the field of software engineering and technology in general.
Thank you.
Bandar Lampung, Indonesia, June 30, 2024
Table of Contents
Kristina Kristina, Fito Aprilius, Gracesella Claren
Dessy Tri Anggraeni, Condro Wibawa
Yuditha Ichsani, Saepul Aripiyanto
Ari Kurniawan Saputra, Erlangga Erlangga, Taqwan Thamrin
Fathurrahman Kurniawan Ikhsan, Doni Eko Hendro Pramono
Lestari Lestari, Wiwin Susanty, Dwi Romadhan, Dika Hastanto, Fenty Ariani
Robby Yuli Endra, Usman Rizal
Meli Amelia, Ilma Isyahna Sholeha, Yanda Rico Revangga, Wamiliana Wamiliana
Ali Nugroho Septihadi, Ilham Hidayatullah, Fredy Susanto
Nisya Awalliya, Yulison Herry Chrisnanto, Rezki Yuniarti