Analisis Perancangan Sistem Informasi Portal Desa Berbasis Web dengan Menggunakan Metode Kano dan OpenSID

Yuditha Ichsani, Saepul Aripiyanto


Analysis and Design of Web-Based Village Information System Using Kano and OpenSID Method. The internet provides a very important role in the process of distributing information, as well as village information must be immediately distributed to the community so that village activities can run well and successfully. But the problem is because the information conveyed by the village is still conventional, many people do not know so that the information that people should know does not know and results in village development not running smoothly. From this, there is a need for innovation in the delivery of village information, such innovations include a village information system that can be accessed by villagers anytime and anywhere. OpenSID is a village information system platform that provides features including contains information about the village, health information, village identity, population data, population data statistics, correspondence, public information, village finances, village data analysis, government assistance programs, land data, village maps and facilities for complaints and criticism of the 12 features, a needs analysis was carried out using the Kano method whose data was taken from 126 respondents with the results of the features entered into Must be (compulsory features) were Health Information, Correspondence, Public Information, Village Finances, Village Maps and Facilities for Submitting Complaints and Criticisms. Then, based on the Non-Parametric Statistics test (Kendall’s Tau-b) of the Kano Method in extracting user needs in the Village information system, it was found that all pairs of features had the same direction of correlation because all the correlation coefficients were positive. The resulting correlation is significant at the 99% confidence level. However, the correlation coefficient value is not too large and is in the range of 0.213-0.553, where the strength of the correlation ranges from weak to moderate.


Kano Method; Non-Parametric Statistics; OpenSID; Village; Village Information System; Desa; Kano; Metode Statistika Non-Parametrik; Sistem Informasi Desa

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