Estimasi Proyek Aplikasi Online Shop dengan COCOMO II Menggunakan Pendekatan Algoritma SPRINT

Nisya Awalliya, Yulison Herry Chrisnanto, Rezki Yuniarti


Software Project Estimation for an Online Shop Application Using COCOMO II with the SPRINT Algorithm. Effort estimation is an important factor in successful software development. COCOMO II is an estimation model that can estimate application project effort using scale factors and cost drivers. However, the accuracy of this model is considered low, so this research aims to improve the estimation accuracy of the COCOMO II model by applying the SPRINT algorithm approach to the research object of the online shop application project. The COCOMO II model is used to calculate the estimation of project time, personnel, and costs. Meanwhile, the SPRINT algorithm is used to predict the priority of module work based on the COCOMO II estimation results. This study compares the accuracy of effort estimation with previous research using the COCOMO II model with the C4.5 algorithm approach which is the predecessor of the SPRINT algorithm. The results show that the estimation of application projects using the COCOMO II model with the SPRINT algorithm approach produces 100% accuracy, more accurate than the COCOMO II model with the C4.5 algorithm approach which only produces 90% accuracy. This research proves that the use of the SPRINT algorithm can further improve the speed and accuracy of prediction compared to the use of the C4.5 algorithm.


COCOMO II; Effort Estimation; SPRINT Algorithm; Online Shop; Estimasi Upaya

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