Pengolahan Citra Wajah dengan CNN untuk Absensi

Lestari Lestari, Wiwin Susanty, Dwi Romadhan, Dika Hastanto, Fenty Ariani


Face Recognition Using CNN for Attendance. Collecting Facial recognition systems included in the field of image processing can be integrated into attendance, where attendance can be done using faces to make it easier for employees to attend attendance and reduce the level of cheating in attendance because attendance must be done by employees directly. This research analyzes image processing which is integrated with data set with python programming language and OpenCV library. The face recognition process uses facial recognition based on image feature extraction. This study aims to implement computer vision into a simple face detection system by utilizing the existing libraries in OpenCV and using the Python programming language as the foundation of the system. This study aims to analyze computer vision in a simple face detection system by utilizing the existing library in OpenCV as well as utilizing the Python programming language as the foundation of the system and applying the Convolution Neural Network method.


Attendance; Convolution Neural Network (CNN); Face Recognition; Image Processing; Absensi; Convolution Neural Network (CNN); OpenCV; Pengenalan Wajah; Pengolahan Citra

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