Berliana Fitriyani, Anggalia Wibasuri


This research aims to determine the influence of store atmosphere and sales promotions on purchasing decisions at Indogrosir Bandar Lampung. This research uses a quantitative type of research, sampling in this research uses a purposive sampling technique. Where the population in this study was 160 respondents who represented those who had shopped at Indogrosir Bandar Lampung. The method used in this research is multiple linear regression analysis. Research data was processed using Microsoft Excel and SPSS 20 software. The independent variables in this research were store atmosphere (X1), sales promotion (X2). The dependent variable in this research is purchasing decisions (Y). Hypothesis testing results that store atmosphere and sales promotions have a positive effect on purchasing decisions for Indogrosir Bandar Lampung. Indogrosir is expected to pay more attention to things that can influence purchasing decisions, namely store atmosphere, promotions and location so that it can have a good effect so that what the company hopes can be achieved optimally. In the sales promotion aspect, Indogrosir in Bandar Lampung can provide attractive discount coupons more often on certain days such as holidays, customer birthdays, and various other interesting promotions to attract customers to visit again.


Store atmosphere, sales promotions, and purchasing decisions.

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