Kedudukan Sumbangan Pihak Ketiga terhadap Keuangan Daerah Propinsi Lampung

Yulia Neta M.


Pupose of research is  to analyze Lampung Pro vince Local Regulation Nomor 4/ 1992 regarding position of contribution revenue from thrid party to province local linancial. Result l this research showed position of contribution reveue from thrid party to local  financial are as financial statein  sence the revenue enter Lampung province local treasury. The lmplementation have been decided by making memorandum  Understanding (MOU), and Then continueb dy  making contract  or other agreement  or Preliminary contact among paties, finalized by Docision of Lampung Goversor.After than contributors directly deposit the contributions to  province Treasury,  in this case is  Appointee Bank.


keuangan daerah; sumbangan pihak ketiga; otonomi daerah

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Yulia, Neta M.. 2006. Kedudukan Sumbangan Pihak Ketiga terhadap Keuangan Daerah Propinsi Lampung. Universitas Bandar Lampung


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