Journal Title | |
ISSN | 1411-4186 (print) | 2808-8700 (online) |
DOI Prefix | DOI: |
Editor in Chief | Andala Rama Putra Barusman |
Publisher | Program Studi Manajemen Pascasarjana Universitas Bandar Lampung, Lampung, Indonesia |
Frequency | 2 issues per year (March and September) |
Innovator, Journal of Business Innovation and Entrepreneurship Ethics is a scientific journal that presents original articles on Business Innovation and Entrepreneurship Ethics. This journal is a means of publication and a place to share research and development in the field of language globally. Loading articles in this journal is sent to the editor's office. Complete information for loading articles and instructions for writing articles is available in every issue. The incoming article will be processed by the editor selection. This journal is published regularly twice a year (March and October).

Call for Paper |
Authors are always welcome to submit their manuscripts for publication consideration. The authors to submit their papers in our journal are required to use the template file, the link of which is given in the The papers which are not transformed in our template file and do not follow the format will not be taken into account for editorial process. Articles received will be peer-double blind review. Ready for submitting a manuscript? Please follow [Author Guidelines] and [Manuscript Template], and click [Submit]. E-mail: |