Environmental Feasibility Analysis of Physical Pedestrian Pathways Based on Standards and Perceptions in the Commercial Area of Bandar Lampung City
The current issue regarding environmental quality faced by the world is the increase in carbon emissions in 2021. To achieve the target of net-zero emissions by 2050, the government and relevant stakeholders have made efforts to reduce environmental pollution, which primarily originates from motor vehicles, including the promotion of public transportation. However, attention has not been fully given to the post-activity conditions of road improvements and the installation of gas/water pipelines, which have consequently degraded the performance of pedestrian pathways. This study analyzes the environmental feasibility assessment of physical pedestrian pathways and the components closely related to the desires and needs of pedestrians in the commercial areas of Bandar Lampung City. By processing feasibility analysis based on questionnaires distributed online, a feasibility rating scale was obtained for each component from five physical environmental parameters of pedestrian pathways in the commercial area case study. The first case study area, Jalan Teuku Umar, received the lowest score, with 81% of respondents rating it as very inadequate. The lowest performance score was 183 points out of 685 points, or 26.72% of 100% feasibility, particularly in the Accessibility for Disabled Persons component. Furthermore, the study analyzed the correlation between components and user desires/needs using Pearson correlation test. The test showed a two-tailed significance value of 0.045 with an r value of 0.998, indicating a very strong relationship with the characteristics of pedestrian pathway users. Additionally, the correlation test between walking frequency and pedestrian pathway components yielded a significance value of 0.000 and an r value of 1, indicating a perfect relationship between pedestrian frequency and weather conditions during hot weather on Jalan Raden Intan. This also serves as validation of the assessment with the assumption that frequent walkers in the case study locations would provide the most accurate responses.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.36448/ja.v14i2.3536
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