Visiting Preference of Urban Parks During COVID-19 Pandemic Period in Indonesia

Dadang Hartabela, Cipta Vidyana, Bart Dewancker, Budi Faisal


The spreading of COVID-19 not only causes medical problems for human but also impacts their emotional side. The adaptation of playing habits in urban parks during this period is affected. Some people argue that meeting and socializing with other people in urban places can increase the spread. This paper aims to carry out: 1) how the visitors’ preferences for visiting urban parks during the pandemic; 2) how the visitors behave to face the virus prevention regulations (health protocols) in urban parks; and 3) how the existing facilities of urban parks influence the visitor comfort during the pandemic period. Data collection was carried out using an online questionnaire and was limited to people who live in Indonesia. Results show that: 1) people have chosen to not visit an urban park during the pandemic. Based on gender, the results of the correspondence analysis show that women tend to choose not to go to the park more than men; 2) Most visitors supported the regulation of health protocols set by the Indonesian government. Those participants consistently use masks, change clothes after activities in urban parks, avoid crowds, and avoid shaking hands; 4) Park facilities that are often not available in urban parks are hand soap. 


urban park; pandemic; preference; behavior; urban health

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