Tinjauan terhadap Tindak Pidana Dalam Praktek Kedokteran

Gunawan Jatmiko


Relationship between doctor and this  patient sometimes cause law problemalic. This problem is become if  the action of doctor cause invalid and died. So doclor can be procecuted in cri minal procces. The problem in lhis research are how the type of crime in practice for doctor? How the proofing the crime in practice for doclor ? Conclusion pf this research there are two type crime in practice for doctor First crime that can be clasificated on yuidicial malpractic and  second cri me that can be clasificated on ethical malpractice. To proofing crime in  practice for doctor must any evidence that can direct to yuridice malpractice or  eticmallpractic. 


Relationship between doctor and his patient, crime on practice for doctor

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