Pengaruh Material Plastik Terhadap Kekuatan Geser Pada Tanah Lempung

. Sazuatmo


Clay is one of soil type, where the bearing capacity is low and water conten sensitivity highly. Where the water content is increased, their physical characteristic and mechanics ( chesion and internally priction ). Will decrease and on the dry condition will be in contrast. Manyefforts has been done to improve , especially clay. One of them is soil reinfort ced by plastics or plastic waste. In the research , a series of laboratory work has been done I.e atterberg limits test, grain size distribution , compaction and direct shear test. In the research it is made 18 vebriation of speci men i.e 3 size plastics ( 2 x 2 cm2, 2 x 1 cm2 dan 2 x 0.5 cm2 ) and the varying of plastics into clay ( 0%; 0,5%; 1,5%; 2% ; 2,5% ) the percentage of plastics is based on weight percentage to soris weight. The test result shows, waste plastics has enhanced shear strength of soil  ( 84,538%), this increase to occur 2 X 2 Cm2 by 1 % plastic . and waste plastics in size 2 X 0,5 Cm2 has enhanced shear strength of soil ( 77,454 % ) by 1% plastic. For waste plastics in size 2 X 1 cm2 has enhanced shear strength of soil ( 54,894 % ) by 2,5 % plastics. The concolusion , plastics enhanced shear strength of soil.



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