Indra Kurniawan, Ahmad Faiq Abror


The methods for Software Effort Estimation are divided into two, these methods are grouped into Non Machine Learning (non-ML) and Machine Learning (ML) methods [1]. The k-NN method has the disadvantage of being unable to tolerate irrelevant features and greatly affect the accuracy of k-NN. The k-NN method is also difficult to deal with missing data problems and feature categorization problems such as features that are not relevant, weight features that are not optimal, and the same features [2]. Whereas the dataset of Software Effort Estimation still has some serious challenges such as the characteristics of the data set, which are irrelevant features and the level of influence of each feature in the estimated data of the software effort [3]. This study compared the k-NN individual method with the combination of feature selection method with k-NN to find out which method was the best. The results showed that the Forward Selection (FS) method and Median Weighted Information Gain with k-Nearest Neighbor can overcome the problem of irrelevant features so as to increase accuracy in the RMSE Software Effort Estimation dataset, which is smaller in the Albrecht dataset of 5,953 using the Median method -WIG k-NN, the Miyazaki dataset is 55,421 and Kemerer is 123,081 using the FS k-NN method. The combination of kNN with Feature Selection is proven to be able to improve the estimation results better than kNN individuals. With the FS k-NN method being the best by winning in 2 datasets Miyazaki and Kemerer.



Software Effort Estimation, irrelevant feature, Forward Selection (FS), Median Weighted Information Gain, k-Nearnest Neighbor

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.36448/jsit.v10i2.1314


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