Effectiveness of Spatial Connectivity in Public Library
Public libraries face challenges in creating comfortable spaces for their users. The library, as a public space, must be able to attract the attention of visitors in order to create an interactive relationship between visitors and the space. In this case, the main factor in the formation of social relations in space is the influence of spatial configuration. General spatial connectivity in libraries plays an important role in increasing its effectiveness and impact on space users by optimizing communication and social interaction between spaces.
This research aims to analyze the effectiveness of the spatial connectivity that occurs in library spaces. Depthmap software uses the Visibility Graph Analysis method to find spatial connectivity values and the Agent Base Simulation Tools Analysis method to understand the spatial environment, focusing on how agents or users interact with the environment or space. The research results show that the space with the highest connectivity and integration values is on the 2nd floor, while the clarity value at the highest point is on the 4th floor, which has quite strong accessibility because there is a corridor with a clear, regular, and linear pattern. Therefore, we can deduce that a space with good connectivity is one that maintains regular and linear accessibility, minimizing the distance between spaces and ensuring the shortest proximity between them, all governed by partitions such as walls or furniture acting as space dividers.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.36448/ja.v14i2.3560

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