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Tourist Planning Strategy Based on Problem Prioritization Using USG Method at Tirtayasa Beach, Way Tataan, Lampung | Nabilah | Jurnal Arsitektur

Tourist Planning Strategy Based on Problem Prioritization Using USG Method at Tirtayasa Beach, Way Tataan, Lampung

Rizka Nabilah, Fajar Islam Sitanggang


The tourism landscape encompasses elements with territorial visual characteristics stored in human visualization (Wearing, Stevenson, and Young, 2010). The research focus on Tirtayasa Beach in Bandar Lampung highlights the characteristics of the coastal landscape that can be developed into tourist attractions. In this context, urbanization in urban areas becomes a key factor in the development of mass beach tourism destinations. Coastal tourism growth, such as Tirtayasa Beach, has significant economic contributions. However, there is a need for evaluation of coastal tourism planning and management to minimize negative impacts on the environment and local communities. The Urgency, Seriousness, Growth (USG) Analysis Method is used to prioritize issues that need to be addressed with a rating range of 1-8, where 1 indicates a low value and 8 indicates a high value. The research results show that Tirtayasa Beach has great potential as a tourism destination but faces a number of biophysical, social, and economic problems. Thus, this research aims to provide a deep understanding of beach conditions and prioritize these issues for sustainable development. Evaluation is mainly conducted on environmental parameters that can be identified or improved to enhance tourism sustainability in urban areas, particularly at Tirtayasa Beach. A score of 1 indicates the need for improvement in entrance signage at Tirtayasa Beach. Furthermore, there is a need for additional rearrangement for children's activities and the addition of vegetation for barriers.


Tirtasari Beach; Coastal Landscape; USG Method

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