Analysis of the Role of the Algae Photosynthesis Facade System in the ITERA Building in Reducing Carbon Emissions

David Ricardo, Adelia Enjelina Matondang, Galuh Fajarwati


The surge in carbon emissions caused by buildings and vehicles or other aspects of controlling the carbon emissions produced by this is done by utilizing the photosynthetic function of plants. Plants that photosynthesize absorb carbon and release energy and oxygen, so the carbon dioxide emissions can calm down. Algae, which are aerial microorganisms that photosynthesize like plants, supported by technological advances applied in a building display, produce an algae bioreactor facade that has the potential to act as an intermediary to reduce carbon footprint. The Sumatra Institute of Technology is the object of research on the effectiveness of using an algae bioreactor facade in reducing the carbon footprint caused by vehicles passing on the Ryacudu Canal road. Buildings C and D of Institut Teknologi Sumatera were used as research samples and conclusions were drawn and it was concluded that the algae bioreactor facades in buildings C and D were less effective in absorbing carbon footprints due to vehicles passing on the Ryacudu Canal road, Way Hui, South Lampung.


carbon;algae bioreactor; emissions

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