Effective Pedagogical Approaches for Addressing Diverse Learning Styles in English Language Instruction at SMA Al Azhar 3 Bandar Lampung

Sherly Adelya Syahni, Ayu Wandira


The purpose of the research is to know how the English teacher formulate and implement the teaching strategies in English teaching-learning process regarding to students’ different learning styles. Here the researcher will discuss the strategies used by the teacher regarding to their awareness about students’ different learning styles, and how they apply it in English teaching-learning process. Qualitative methods are carried out using documentation, observation, and interviews to collect data. To find out how teacher formulate learning strategies, researcher conduct lesson plan documentation. Then to find out the implementation of learning strategies, the researcher made observations in the classroom. Furthermore, to double-check all the data that had been collected, the researcher conducted interviews with three English teacher. The results show that teacher use several strategies for students' different learning styles. The learning strategies used by teacher include demonstrations, videos, reading texts, lectures/stories, cooperative learning cooperative learning, and discussions. Other strategies used are based on the consideration of different learning style preferences. Teacher accommodate students' learning styles by providing different instructions for each student's learning style. For students with visual learning style, teacher facilitate students' visualization in English learning. For students with auditory learning style, teacher facilitate them with oral explanation. Then for kinesthetic students, teacher provide activities that encourage students to learn by doing.


teaching strategies; learning styles; teaching-learning process.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.36448/bl.v6i2.3583


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