The Analysis of Students’ Motivation and Reading Compre-hension of Second Grade Students at SMA Persada Bandar Lampung

Natalya Catiwan


This study aimed to investigate the relationship between motivation and reading comprehension among second-grade students at SMA Persada Bandar Lampung, while also exploring the dynamics of their interaction. Employing a mixed-method approach with an explanatory sequential design, the research was conducted with 36 students using a basic correlation statistical, correlation explanatory design, and included interviews with 8 respondents for qualitative data. Tests and interviews were utilized for data collection. The findings revealed a weakly positive correlation between motivation and reading comprehension among the students. Analysis of interview responses highlighted the presence of various subcategories of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation among the pupils, shedding light on the nuanced nature of their motivational orientations. This study underscores the importance of understanding and addressing diverse motivational factors in fostering effective reading comprehension skills among second-grade students.


motivation, reading comprehension, second-grade students, mixed-method approach, intrinsic motivation, extrinsic motivation.

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