Kekuatan Hukum Visum Et Repertum Sebagai Alat Bukti di Tinjau dari KUHAP dan Undang-Undang No.23 Tahun 2004
The basicly, humans is social beings who relating to others. However, relationships
with others are not impossible will cause a problem, the problem is one of them is
domestic or family violence. It is criminal act, because it has violated the law. The
approach used is the problem of the normative approach, it is reviewing regulations,
book/ /literature and other scientific papers, empirical approach is performed as a
support for the completeness of normative data, data analysis in qualitative analysis.
The result of this research has shown about strenght of Visum Et Repertum. Visum Et
Repertum as complementary instrument to seacrhing for material truth, because the
judge is limited by certainly jugde principle and application of the minimun threshold
of authentucation, so that certainly jugde principle to became dominant faith.
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