Kedudukan Akta Notaris Sebagai Alat Bukti dalam Proses Pemeriksaan Perkara Pidana

Tri Yanty Sukanty Arkiang


The position of notary as evidence in criminal cases is the same examination with the
tools that the other evidence. This is because the criminal deed does not have perfect
power. So the judge does not have to believe that the contents of the notarial deed
are correct. Thus the value of that evidence sought to be free because the law of
criminal procedure is the accuracy of the consequences and the judge is free to use or
override a letter of evidence.The implementation of the decision-deed performed by
the investigator for the benefit of the judicial process investigator, prosecutor, or
judge with the approval of the Regional Board. Trustees are authorized to take photo
copies minuta deed and/or letters attached to the deed minuta, or protocols in storage
notary and call notary tobe present in the examination relating to the deed made or
protocols that are instorage notary.


Notary; Notarial; Criminal Cases

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Tri Yanty Sukanty Arkiang, Kedudukan Akta Notaris Sebagai Alat Bukti dalam Proses Pemeriksaan Perkara Pidana, Universitas Bnadar Lampung, 2011


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