Tugas Pokok dan Fungsi Badan Penasehatan Pembinaan dan Pelestarian Perkawinan dalam Mediasi Permasalahan Perkawinan

Meita Djohan Oelangan


Divorce does not only happen to a husband and wife who underwent early marriage, but also the husband and wife who live marriage in adulthood. The problem in this research is how the implementation of the main tasks and functions of the Development and Preservation Advisory Board Marriage in marriage problems mediation method used is normative and empirical using secondary data and primary data. Data analysis is done by means of qualitative analysis. The results showed the main duties and functions of BP4 in marital mediation is less successful with the lack of good cooperation between BP4 and the Religious Courts. Suggestions can be put forward is that the people with marriage problems, utilizing their first Advisory Board Development and Preservation of Marriage before heading Religious Court.


Marriage Counselling, Marriage, Mediation.

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