Tami Rusli


The development of e-commerce in Indonesia took place long before the Electronic Law was
passed, this e-commerce transaction itself would be predicted to continue to increase which
could eventually lead to disputes between business actors and consumers. The problem in this
study is how to determine the proof of consumer losses in electronic transactions. The
approach method used is a normative juridical approach method, secondary data sourced
from the study of literature and data analysis using qualitative analysis. The results of the
study prove that to prove the existence of losses for consumers, of course, evidence is needed
which can be used as evidence guidelines in standard agreements electronically.
Conventionally proof is done in the form of print-outs or proof of writing with legalization.
This can be done by adopting various provisions that contain the legal strength of electronic
evidence as stipulated in the UNCITRAL Model Law On Electronic Commerce. Suggestions
need to be immediately updated about the direction of the Indonesian Treaty Law in
accordance with Indonesia's national interests, so as to be able to participate in an
increasingly global world in the cyber era.


Proof of Consumer Losses, Electronic Transactions

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