The process of land acquisition will never be separated from the problem of compensation, therefore it is necessary to conduct prior research on all information and data submitted in the assessment (Apprisal) of compensation. If an agreement has been reached on the form and size of the compensation, a compensation payment will be made and then proceed with the disposal or transfer of the rights to the land concerned. The problem that will be discussed in this issue is how the implementation of consignment change in the District Court. The research method used is normative juridical using secondary data obtained from literature study and data analysis with qualitative juridical analysis. Research Results are. Implementation has acted in accordance with the procedures established in Law No. 2 of 2012 on Land Procurement for Development for the Public Interest. Suggestions that the Government in this case should increase socialization to the community, especially about consignment properly so that obstacles suchas people who refuse to compensate will realize that the interests of the state and the nation is more important than personal interests.
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