Zainab Ompu Jainah


Rehabilitation is one of the government's efforts to tackle narcotics abuse. This effort is an
alternative effort or action, because the perpetrators of narcotics abuse are also victims of
narcotics addiction that requires treatment or care. This treatment or treatment is carried out
through rehabilitation facilities. The research problem that will be discussed in this research
is how the procedure of implementing medical rehabilitation for narcotics abuse victims, the
method of using Normative Juridical Approach and Empirical Approach, the source of data
is obtained from the field and library. Types of data obtained secondary data and primary
data Data collection is done by means of library studies and subsequent studies were
analyzed quantitatively. Based on the results of research and discussion, it is known that the
procedure for implementing medical rehabilitation for narcotics abuse victims based on
PERBER / 01/111/2014 / BNN, namely narcotics addicts who have received a court decision
to undergo treatment or treatment through rehabilitation, is submitted by the prosecutor's
office to a medical rehabilitation facility the appointed narcotics convict is accompanied by
the minutes of the court decision and signed by the patient and family / guardian. Suggestions
that can be delivered It is hoped that for law enforcement, in this case the judge is brave to
decide a heavy sentence in accordance with the law. And the Provincial Narcotics Agency is
making more serious efforts in preventing narcotics abuse by involving all law enforcement


Medical Rehabilitation, Victims, Narcotics

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